Different Knots for hair replacement systems

1)Single split knot: this knot is very small at the same time hair can be stand up. It is used on the front hairline. The hair is a small knot very natural and invisible.

2) Double split knots: they are larger and stronger than single split knots and smaller than double flat knots, typically we do not use them at the front hairline but in other areas. Double split knots are easy to comb in any direction you like.

3)Single flat knot: it is a knot it can ventilate several hairs in a knot or one hair in a knot. The character of the single flat knot is the hair will be very flat, which means the hair will not stand up. This kind of knot is better for skin Pu base, if on lace base the knot is not durable. The hair can be combed in any direction. It is very natural and invisible because of it is a very delicate knot.

4) Double knot, it is two knots. the knot is more durable than a single knot, but the knot is bigger than the single knot. The hair of the double knot is also flat. This kind of knot is usually used for temples and back where is invisible.


5)V loop knot, very natural because of no knot, it can only be used on skin Pu base.

6) Flat injected knot, very natural but hair is flat, can’t make hairstyle in any direction.

7)Lifted Injected knot, hair is stand and hair can be combed to any direction

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