Make Every Piece Worth It

How to Curl a Human Hair System

If customers order a stock hair system and want smaller curls (e.g. 1.8cm or 2.0cm) than our regular curls of 3.0cm then our stylists will curl the hair on the system accordingly.

This is the video that illustrates the entire process involved in curling the hair on a human hair replacement system.


Step 1: Wet the hair system before placing it onto a model and combing the hair until it is smooth and knot free.

Step 2: Apply a moderate amount of perm lotion evenly to soften the hair.

Step 3: Take a small strand of hair and wrap it around the roller. Use a rubber band to fix it into place.

(Repeat step 3 until all the hair has been wrapped with rollers)

Step 4: Seal the hair system and wait for around 20 minutes.

Tip: This will take a different amount of time depending on the hair texture and quality. Generally speaking, it takes between 20 – 35 minutes for dark hair systems.

If you find that the hair is not as curly as expected, but is still stretchy when you pull it, this could mean that the hair on the system needs more time to curl. If you pull the hair and it is dry and tough, then the perm solution may have been left in for too long.


Step 5: Gently rinse the hair system to remove the softener

Step 6: Apply fixer to hold the hair into its new shape and then let that stand for 10 – 15 minutes.

Step 7: Rinse the hair system again and remove all of the rollers

Step 8: Wash the hair system with both shampoo and conditioner.

Finally, place the hair system on a model to dry it. You will then have a hair system with the small curls you desire.


We hope that this video has been of help to you and your customers. Please keep an eye out for our next video tutorial!

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